
Behold the marvelous traveling show of Wolver, a Swedish trio of peculiar entertainers: The Protagonist (lead vocals and guitar), The Brawler (drums), and The Charmer (guitar). In a world parallel to ours where prophecies and magic still rule over human existence, their nomadic spectacle enlightens audiences with a sound that pays homage to several decades of theatrical rock (stretching from Queen to Panic! at the Disco).

It all started with the revelation of a Raven who showed the way for The Protagonist, announcing the presence of our world through its clairvoyant powers. An enigmatic gentleman with a particular fascination for sound alchemy, he summons the horsepower of two performers by splitting his guitar signal into both bass and guitar amps.

With a dress code worthy of a Victorian master of ceremonies, Wolver creates a clockwork synergy between stompy riffs and majestic vocal harmonies. Imagine a groovy cabaret act merging Queen, Muse, and Queens of the Stone Age, with Radiohead-like lyrics that encourage audiences to become “less hypnotized [by society’s status quo] than they’ve ever been”.

The first part of Wolver’s saga opens with their encounter with the population of Jovenia and the ensuing difficulties when challenging its power-greedy ruler. The episodes of this act are gathered in “Act I: It Starts With a Bow”, an album that goes beyond conceptual. This literary universe manifests through a serial narration in social media (to be collected in a book), elaborate animated videos, and explosive live performances.

The rock opera was recorded at Leon Music Studios, where the sound of Swedish acts like Sparzanza and Mustasch has taken form. There’s already a second chapter in the making, but for now, we’ll have the pleasure to introduce you to Wolver’s unique showmanship through the release of “My Wife, the Witch”. Their first single with Rexius Records will be available on March 13th and is included in “Act I”, to be released this summer.